Accessible Boating at the River’s Best Location
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor.”
A sunset swim in nearby Haverstraw Bay, a five-minute ride from the Croton Yacht Club. Photo by Roger Cunha.
What We Offer
Our central location at the widest part of the Hudson River puts you in the midst of perfect sailing conditions, a world reknowned striped bass fishery, and wide open skies with spectacular sunsets.
We offer competitive pricing for slips for boats up to 35 feet, as well as jet ski ramps and space for trailered boats.
And there are plenty of social events and opportunities to share your love for the river with your fellow boaters.
Come make lasting memories with your family and friends. Contact us at 914-271-6548 or
Remembering Bill Schwartz
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing in early October of one of our own - William “Bill” Schwartz. Bill was a long-time member, past Commodore and current Board Member at the yacht club. He was an active member, always willing to step up in a crisis or to just lend a hand to a fellow boater in need. Bill had a friendly smile, gentle spirit and great laugh. He will be sorely missed.
His sailboat, the Falcon was decorated with Christmas lights each Holiday season bringing good cheer and warm thoughts to the club and to of all the wonderful friends down here.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. event is to promote interest in the history and ecology of the river, to cultivate future local environmental leaders and to promote, enhance and protect river related recreational resources.
Meet the 2024 Croton Yacht Club officers
From left: Joe Kniser, Vice Commodore; Sean Scollins, Rear Commodore; Gary Eisinger, Commodore.